Thursday, 4 July 2013

Decrypt Android device before firmware update

encrypt and decrypt messageIf you have installed Zenprise/Citrix Connect App on your Android device and want to upgrade your device firmware to the latest version of Android then there are few setting that you need to change before thinking about how to Decrypt Android device before firmware update. Zenprise is an app which looks after Android device management and security. This app once installed will encrypt your Android device after which Apps like Touch Down for Smartphones can be installed. If there is a new firmware update that is available for your device and you try installing this new firmware then will get an pop-up message saying something like Decrypt Android device before firmware update. ["Unable to update new software, Device is encrypted, Decrypt ?"]

Clicking on OK will not decrypt your device.
Follow the following steps to decrypt and install the latest firmware.
  1. Go to Android device settings and select Security.
  2. You will see that the “Encrypt” option is grayed out as the device is already encrypted.
  3. Inside Security, scroll down to select “Device Administration”
  4. Now, by default “Zenprise/Citrix Mobile Connect” check-box will be selected.
  5. Uncheck “Citrix Mobile Connect” and tap on “Deactivate”.
  6. You will get a pop-up message saying “This will remove the security features provided by Citrix Mobile Connect. Do this ONLY if you are removing Citrix Mobile Connect from the device”.
  7. Click on OK.
  8. Now if you go back to Device Administration, Citrix Mobile Connect will be unchecked.
Once this is done, you can continue with your normal Android device firmware upgrade by going to
Settings>> About Device>> Software Update>> Update.
or if you still have issues then check this post that I had written earlier on “How to update Samsung Android Firmware”
Hope this worked, let me know by leaving a comment. Please do share this post with your friends at office who might be having same issues.

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