Thursday, 4 July 2013

How Facebook Page Post type can increase traffic to your website

It’s always better to have social presence to increase traffic to your website. If you have a new Facebook Page then you need to wait for the first 30 likes to get Facebook Insights which Page admins can view. This is a very helpful feature which will give you details on the type of traffic like Organic, Paid or Viral. There are many other details like link clicks, stories created, other clicks, number of people taking about this, likes, comments and shares. If you are using your Android phone and Facebook’s Pages Manager App then just under the post click on ‘View Insights’ to view these details.

Organic or Natural traffic are techniques where you don’t have to pay anything for search engines and your post appears in search results on it’s own and no tricks are done. It’s always nice to get more Organic traffic. Paid traffic is where users pay to get traffic by advertising about their post or promote their post for more views. Viral views are making your post visible by using social media, PR sites, pod-cast etc. This will exponentially increase the traffic or number of visitors to your site from the initial organic traffic that was generated.Facebook Page Post can increase traffic to your website
So,  How to increase Facebook Page post views and increase traffic to your website. I have been experimenting on this for a while and this is that I have seen. Most of the website or blog owners use auto publish or share their link on Facebook and other social networking sites. When you auto publish, your post will be shared as a link on your Facebook Page. Instead of doing this try publishing the image in the post and leave a small description along with the short URL to your post. As you can see in the image the number views are low when shared as a link and much more when shared as an image. Also, the organic traffic almost remains constant where as there is a huge increase in the viral traffic. Check my Facebook page [link] to see how I have posted. You can try this to increase traffic to your website by publishing your post as an image instead of just the link. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Try this out and share this post with your friends if you find it useful.

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