Have you purchased shared hosting from a web hosting company and want to know which other website are hosted on the same web server. This not just for the domain or hosting that you have purchased, you can find this info for any of the websites or domain names that are active. Reverse IP Domain Check can help you in finding this for free of cost.
Before going further, let me give a quick intro on web servers. Web servers are servers that that deliver web pages and every web server has an IP address and a domain name. The server then fetches the page named index.html and sends it to your server.
Once you enter a domain name like “http://howtotechguru.com“, Reverse IP Domain Check will check and take domain name or the IP address pointing to a web server and for other sites known to be hosted on the same web server. It will collect all necessary data from Search engines results. There is no no guarantee that the list would be completed as it depends on search results. It always good to know as to what are the other domains that are hosted on the same web server as yours specially for SEO and web filtering perspective, particularly for those on shared web hosting plans. They have a collection of over 60 million domain names in their database.
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