Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Easily Capture Screenshots in Google Earth for Android

The Google Earth app for Android includes a handy screen capture feature that allows you to capture and share screenshot images of the current view inside Earth with a click. You may capture screenshots of aerial imagery as well as 3D buildings.
You may wonder why would anyone need this when Android itself include screen-capture capabilities? Well, compare these two images.
Google Earth Screenshot
This screenshot was captured using Google Earth – clutter free image.
This screenshot of Google Earth was captured with Android

This screenshot of Google Earth was captured with Android
The big advantage with Google Earth’s built-in screen capture feature is that it adds none of the on-screen clutter to your screenshot.

How to take Screenshots in Google Earth

To get started, navigate to any location inside Google Earth and click the More menu in the upper-right corner. Now choose the Share option from the drop-down and Google Earth will automatically take a screenshot image of the current view.
You can then directly save that screenshot to Dropbox, Gmail, Facebook or any other application that is part of the system-wide Share menu.

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